Brahmani Velagapudi Week #10: The Power of Hobbies

We live in a world governed almost solely by new and old circulating trends. One thing is unpopular or unheard of one day and by the next morning, it's all anyone can talk about. Things that you were teased for in middle school are suddenly everyone's new favorite thing. This continues until everyone is following the same trends like a religion and before you know it everyone around you is the same person and you realize that somewhere along the way you became that person too. Hobbies are one of the only things that separate people from each other. 

Everyone wants to jump on board the viral new trend because it's the only way to stay relevant in an ever-changing environment. It's terrifying and confusing and oftentimes too fast to keep up with. So with everyone doing the same thing and trying to be the same person our hobbies are the only thing that let us keep our sense of individuality. 

At the same time, hobbies have the power to join communities of people with similar hobbies. They provide a common ground where everyone who is trapped in the endless cycle of trends can seek refuge with each other. 

Even when you're older and you have a 9 to 5 job hobbies like art, dance, and reading keep you anchored. Like Robin Williams said "Medicine, law, business, engineering. These are all noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love. These are what we stay alive for". 


  1. Hi Brahmani. I enjoyed reading your article about hobbies because I agree that activities like these are what make us unique. Modern trends quickly come and go, often driving someone crazy if they actively try to keep up. Hobbies, on the other hand, stay for as long as you enjoy them — usually forever — and can include basically any activity, from knitting a scarf to playing a sport. It’s also extremely comforting to find communities of people who enjoy the same activities as oneself because it gives a sense of relief from the never-ending cycle of work in our world. A lot of activities that are considered hobbies also provide beauty in our lives, and I’m glad you included Robin Williams’ quote about the aspects of life that bring us to life. I really appreciate your article, as it gives a necessary perspective on hobbies — activities that can help us slow down and cherish our life — in our hectic world.

  2. Hello Brahmani! Your discussion on the way that trends work in our modern society is interesting. As a result of our involvement in the social structure of high school, it is almost a responsibility to be updated on the latest trends on social media. Your image is a clear indication of the passion that you wish to pursue throughout your life. I agree with you that hobbies do not have to take up all of our time when we grow up; however, these little acts differentiate one person from another and maintain our sense of individuality.
    In a changing world, uniqueness is much appreciated and important in creating an environment of passion and interest. Your inclusion of a quote that separates the domains of hobbies and jobs is clear-cut and direct in demonstrating the value of maintaining passion projects no matter what industry one wishes to pursue a career in. Mentioning an author with experience in evaluating and differentiating between hobbies and jobs allows you to develop a recurring theme of credibility that stems from the usage of the text of a famous author. The blog is persuasive and vivid in its colorful emphasis on the differences that exist between trends and hobbies.

  3. Hi Brahmani, I loved reading your blog. I like how you brought up the point where people started to get into things because it was trending. Growing up, I had many hobbies, and some of the people around me never took interest. In fact they were quite judgy on the hobby, but now I find them doing the exact same hobby just because it was trending. People nowadays start an activity just because it is trending, posting it and giving it up after another activity becomes trending. I feel like the term hobby in the modern days has changed. I agree with you on how hobbies can be extremely comforting. When you get into a hobby, and you find a good community, they can be very welcoming. You can find peace in your hobby, you can escape reality through your hobby.

  4. Hi Brahmani, I agree with your topic as hobbies do make people unique individuals in a world where everyone is the same. Especially with social media like Tik Tok and Instagram, there are so many trends that become widespread and many people start following. However, as trends catch on, they just as quickly lose their significance. I vividly remember buying high waisted skinny jeans in seventh grade as everyone in school was wearing them and I wanted to fit in, but now, I feel nauseous even thinking about those jeans. Times are always changing and not many things in the world are consistent, but as you brought to light, hobbies are. Although everyone wears the same thing at school- either baggy pants and a crop top or pajamas, everyone has their uniqueness rooted in their hobbies. However, I don’t think individuality solely rests on one's favorite activity. Although trends about what is “cool” to say or do arise, no one’s mannerisms, behaviors, way of talking, background, and experiences are exactly alike. This is what truly makes individuals different.


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