Daniela Marcel Week 9: What Super Powers Do Humans Have?


When I first read the topic for this week's blog, my first thought was superpowers. When you first hear the word "power", you think of superpowers, you think of the impossible, you think of characters like Spiderman or Superman. You think of the ability to run fast, become invisible or invincible, to be able to read minds and to do the unthinkable. Now that I think about superpowers, I wonder, how come humans don't have any superpowers like that? Or do we?

    Everyone knows the common term, mom power. Whenever you lose something, you go to your mom and complain to her "Mom, I can't find my ___". Then she says "Just open your eyes, if I go into your room and find it-" "You won't, I have looked for hours and everywhere". Once she steps into your room she instantly spots it. Everyone has had this situation happen to them before, and I have always wondered how in the world does my mom do it? Same with cooking, the fridge could be empty with no food, but once you tell your mom. Out of nowhere, she can whip up a full-course meal out of thin air! How does she do it? I have no clue. I always wonder if that is a superpower that we just think is natural and overlooked?

    I also wonder, what if we do have superpowers but it seems natural to us because we use it daily. What if animals think that us making technology is us creating magic? Do you think dogs think we are magicians since we can make food appear right in front of them? Is that why they are so loyal to us? I am pretty sure some animals thought that we were magicians when we had fire. I also think some animals think we are magicians from guns. To us, we can explain the science behind it, but I think some animals can't think of any explanations to explain fire or guns. This has me wondering, is there other stuff that we do that seems unexplainable to other animals?



  1. Hi Daniela. I agree with you when you say that moms have the superhuman ability to find lost objects in a grand total of two seconds; I can’t count how many times my mom has done this. I’ll bet they can even do it blindfolded. I also thought it was thought-provoking when you brought up the idea that animals could believe our technology is magic. Looking at how we have been able to use things like fire and raw metal to our advantage, it does seem like animals could take this as magic. We’ve made accomplishments that were considered impossible not too long ago, such as going into space or using solar energy to generate electricity. Additionally, I liked the structure of your last paragraph, as the rhetorical questions emphasize how our species has possibly risen to the position of magicians in animals’ eyes, and I think you have a fitting end to your blog, as it’s impossible for us to know precisely how animals perceive us.

  2. Hi Daniela. Your problem that you face is so relatable, whenever I am in the FRC garage I feel like I loose so many things and when I ask a team member, they will just magically pull it out from in front of me. I think in the upcoming years we will see accessories that will replicate superhuman powers. Similar to how we have discovered ways to freeze items in the fridge; we will have gadgets on our wrists that can freeze other items. The use of rhetorical questions in the last paragraph successfully hooks the reader into continuing to think about the subject beyond the blog.

  3. Hey Daniela,
    Funnily enough mine started off as a post about superpowers and where the idea of them originated. I really like your take on superpowers though. It's very unique and not what I expected. You've actually started making me consider what other species think of us with our technology. When we discover a new species that no one has ever heard of before there's this sense of wonder to it like the new species being discovered in the ocean almost everyday. We label things we cannot explain as "magic" until we understand them and can offer a scientific explanation for them. I wonder if that's how animals think of us everytime we invent something new that they're not familiar with. Also I love your mention of "mom power". I genuinely believe it's a real thing.


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