Anishka Week #10 - Power of Language - Differentiating Between Power and Work

    Language is a crucial aspect to think about when discussing power and work.  Power and work can refer to very different things, and it is essential to differentiate between the two. Work can be thought of as the amount of energy needed in a force to move an object across a certain distance. Power, on the other hand, refers to the rate at which the work is being done and the "the energy per unit time transferred to the object" (Raymond).The two words hold a lot of power in architecture and buildings. The contrasting meanings also lead to different equations being used to calculate power and work.  Confusing these two words and equations can lead to serious problems. One possible issue is the possibility of an inefficient structure that has a safety hazard. Clearly, educating engineers about the difference between power and work will help prevent disasters in real life. 

    In addition, power and work can have very different connotations and symbolisms when used in the workspace. If one states that their manager is always exercising their power, the manager can be viewed in a negative way. However, if one states that their manager is always at work, people are likely to respect the manager and view them in a positive light. The drastic discrepancies between the words demonstrate why it is important to identify which word is appropriate for different situations. 

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    Lastly, power and work are very important in society. People often talk about a work-life balance. This can be expanded to think about the balance between work and power. It is critical to maintain a balance between working on improving yourself and asserting your power over others. Although it may be necessary to control groups in certain situations, people should not forget their role and responsibility in the world. 

Citations: Raymond, David. “8.3: Work and Power.” Physics LibreTexts, Libretexts, 16 Apr. 2021,


  1. Hi Anishka. You bring up an interesting point about language, and I thought it was interesting that you related it to both physics and society. Power and work are important, as each word has a different connotation depending on when it’s used. Acknowledging these distinctions can help people better understand those around them and help engineers be more conscious of what they’re making or doing. Additionally, as you said, it’s essential to have a work-life balance and resist dominating other people and diminishing their freedom to choose how they tackle projects at work. This is an important life skill, as most of us will end up in the workplace in several years. I’m glad you brought up this topic, and I appreciate your ability to thoroughly articulate your opinions about power and work, as well as their uses in different contexts.

  2. Hi Anishka, I agree with you that language nuances have an important role in defining authority and work, especially in architectural locations where reliability is important. The contrast between the two beliefs is crucial for guaranteeing structural safety and efficiency, requiring clear communication among engineers. Also, in the workplace, vocabulary may impact ideas of authority, with "power" frequently having negative connotations and "work" linked with effort and respect. Recognizing and navigating these language nuances is critical for cultivating positive relationships and preserving a social balance of personal empowerment and collective duty.


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